My first interior design shoot!

These past few months have been crazy! Between school, both jobs, photography, and the fact that it’s been dead winter and miserably cold outside for months, I’ve had seriously no time to just stop to do any sort of photo work that I could really enjoy for myself.

That is, until I met Bryan, a local entrepreneur and interior designer that needed some photos done for his upcoming design blog. Seriously, this guy has some serious taste. He puts together everything I can only imagine in my head!

If you don’t believe me, take a look for yourself.

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Walking into the house, you’re welcomed and warmed by the dark wood details and trim.
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This mid-century table leaves just enough space in the smaller footage living room; angled perfectly while leaving an open feel, which is so important in a comfy yet living space.
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Bryan’s china cabinet is not like any others; built into the bookcases in the living room and fully decked out in a classic gold and geometric shapes. He beautifully adds a mix between antique pieces like these little elephants in with modern glassware.
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Speaking of glassware, can we take a moment to appreciate this teacup set? I mean seriously, no cup has ever spoken to me as much as these do.

Working with Bryan was my first ever spin on shooting interior work. I have a long way to go, but it was such a great experience and I can not wait to further this practice!


Snowy Sessions

In case you didn’t know, I live in Nebraska.

While there are many amazing things about this state, the weather is not one of them. Four seasons are not really a thing here, tornado season is quite long, and Mother Nature can’t ever seem to make up her mind on what our days will be like.

Yesterday for example, was a whole 49 degrees, sunny, dry February day. I didn’t have to wear winter boots, a coat, or any other winter gear.

Today however, I woke up to a real-life Winter Wonderland. I mean, really…like 8 inches on the ground. Luckily they warned us for about a week (literally nothing else was on the news) that we would be getting up to 16 inches, but still. Yesterday was so nice!

It wasn’t all a bummer, though. School was canceled, and my camera sales job actually closed! For as big of a corporation as it is, that was the most shocking.

So the day actually turned out pretty good! I spent my snow day being a couch potato, then doing a little homework, then being a couch potato, then doing some laundry, then being a couch potato, then taking a walk to get some air and photos in. Now, I’ll go back to being a couch potato.

How did you spend your winter wonderland today?

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